Announcing Defining Gray 2017 Revised Edition!


The new Defining Gray, 2017 Revised Edition, is now available to order from your local or online bookstore!




So why this revised 2017 edition?

  • I hadn’t read DG, straight through, in several years. When I did, I was disappointed that it still had some ‘eh’ spots. Since I hadn’t yet done any formal marketing or publicity (only that which happened organically) I decided to let DG fizzle out until I had time to tackle another edit.
  • Having written parts of books 2 to 5, I wanted a little extra foreshadowing so I made a few changes and wrote a few extra scenes for this edition.

DG update and publishing history

This week was the first book club for the Defining Gray 2017 revised edition, and I’m pleased to announce it was a great success. For this event, I had made a special, one-time, pre-release edition specifically for “The Street” book club, which included the member’s names and a picture of their street on the back cover. This, I figured, was one of few perks to being a self-published author!

The consensus from the club is that DG is ready to go, (no more typos, finally!) and they are looking forward to the sequel. They also asked why I self-published instead of finding a publisher. If you are also curious, here is a little history:

In January of 2008, my uncle Richard said to my dad: “Tell that daughter of yours to get her book finished and published before the deuce!” The deuce, as mentioned in Defining Gray, is a slang term for the Icelandic Independence Day celebration in Mountain, N.D. that takes place during the weekend of (or before or after) August 2nd.